Owl Crowned by a Butterfly
by Lise Winne
Buy the Original Painting
8.000 x 10.000 x 2.000 inches
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Owl Crowned by a Butterfly
Lise Winne
Painting - Inks, Watercolor, Colored Pencil
This is part of my millefleurs series of paintings, inspired by the tapestries of the Renaissance period.
Featured is a glowing owl and a glowing white butterfly. The owl is being crowned by the white butterfly. A black and white border surrounds the crowned owl where there are also butterflies and many plants and flowers.
This piece is dedicated to my father who was a wise good man with a heart and conscience, and was named "Good Owl" in a Native American ceremony. Ever since then, owls have a special place in our hearts for those who knew him.
- glowing owl: wisdom, intelligence, protection, unmasking deception, a presence to be noticed
- glowing white butterfly: messages from the spirit, messages from those who have passed on, transformation, a presence to be noticed
- millefleurs: plenty, luxury, financial security
- red roses: passion, love
- black and white: life and death, yin and yang, night and day, dichotomies
The original is an 8 x10 framed to 11 x 14 with a silver frame, with archival glass and archival mats.
November 5th, 2023
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