Unicorn with Red Roses and Butterflies

by Lise Winne
Unicorn with Red Roses and Butterflies
Lise Winne
Digital Art - Painting, Digital Art
Featured is a unicorn at rest among red roses. The piece is meant to look tapestry-like and hearken back to the European Renaissance period. During the Renaissance, unicorns were often depicted as half goat and half horse, with a fluffy tail, and this one is no exception.
If you love to decorate with a Renaissance or Medieval flair, or your child loves unicorns, this piece might be for you. This comes in a range of products, including blankets and duvets, pillows and totes, mugs and tee shirts, and more.
* unicorn: independence, purity of thought and action. The unicorn is a highly independent creature, unable to be tamed, but also can be persuaded by a young maiden of purity of intent.
* red roses: love, passion
* white butterflies: protection, fortune, messages from the spirit world
* 1000 Views on One Image
February 19th, 2018
Comments (12)

Hartmut Jager
- The world would be drab without the magic of Flowers, Butterflies, Unicorns and LISE ! -

Michael Durst
Absolutely love this wonderful design of the Unicorn with roses and butterflies. It could easily be a stained glass window design from centuries ago. Well done, Lise!

Christopher James
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