Unicorn in Purple

by Lise Winne
Unicorn in Purple
Lise Winne
Digital Art - Photography, Digital
This piece is part of the unicorn series I have been making over several years. This piece started out as a photograph of a clay relief sculpture I had made. It was originally in the round. I used Photoshop to make it into a square composition, added filters and coloring for one version, then added more filters for another version. This piece has also served as a drawing and painting inspiration for many of the other unicorn series in my shop.
Symbolism of the unicorn:
purity, innocence, spiritual messages, enlightenment, magic. The unicorn has been known to be an independent creature of high intelligence who swoons at the sight of a faire maiden who is pure of heart, and to even fall asleep in her lap. The unicorn's horn has been known to purify water. The unicorn was described during Renaissance times as an extremely wild woodland animal that could not be tamed.
Purple is the color of power, ambition and sometimes leadership. Often with ambition and leadership comes creativity, wisdom, dignity, devotion, independence, and magic.
Surreal Perspectives
Arts Fantastic Worlds
Fantasy Art for the Home and Office
May 26th, 2017