Thoughtful Jester

by Lise Winne
Thoughtful Jester
Lise Winne
Painting - Painting
Featured is a jester with a jester's cap, bells, and various balls and playing card symbols sewn into his outfit. He wears make up as is fitting for a jester, and the background is a kind of checkerboard shape.
This is a mixed media painting with slight digital enhancements here and there to bring out the colors.
In Tarot symbolism, the Jester (or Fool) represents the unconscious, pangs of guilt, the wisdom that one does not necessarily want to hear. The Fool at court speaks in riddles, poems and non-sequiturs to keep royal figureheads from looking at him as a threat. He or she is often a kind of canary in the coal mine. Royals liked fools around so they could gain other perspectives on a situation from someone without an agenda (i.e. someone who is not representative of any province or person). The jester can take "wild thought and verbal leaps" because he is aware that the audience is tentative, half attentive, and half committed to listening. He is thought to be crazy, therefore not of great import. However, fools have been known to work on a royal's subconscious in terms of "the truth."
February 20th, 2018
Comments (5)

Dave Farrow
Ahh yes...the jester, a performer for his "Royal Majesty". A masterpiece straight from the age of dragons and fair maidens. Dear lady, you have a splendid, beautiful work of art. A gold medal is all yours Lise. l.v.f.

Robert Roth
This is really a wonderful depiction and the story behind it is wonderful too. You should consider doing the entire Tarot! Maybe begin with the Star? :-) Robert.
Lise Winne replied:
Thank you, Robert. Yes, I have thought about it ... So many projects, and so little time ... Thank you.