The Magician

by Lise Winne
Buy the Original Painting
7.000 x 8.500 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Lise Winne secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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The Magician
Lise Winne
Painting - Watercolor And Ink
A magician who looks like a rabbit and is dressed in a striped red vest is holding a magic wand in the night sky. There are stars in the sky as well as two trails of stars streaming behind him. A dove flies over head. There is a full grown rabbit and a young rabbit who look on.
The border design is made up of vines and leaves.
The original was painted with inks and watercolors. The original was also small, seven and an eighth inches by eight and a half inches.
* Magician: the talent and power to change and transform, a pulling together of resources, skills, and tools to manifest goals, connection to the creative source, the ingenuity to make dreams come true, the power to attract an audience, knowledge (sometimes esoteric knowledge), integrity, a leader of sorts ... Since this magician is a type of rabbit, he will also have some of the symbolism of the rabbit
* Magic wand: manifesting and channeling magic or energy, power to change, transform, protect or do good, the tool of a champion or authority
* Rabbits: fertility, the feminine, abundance, luck, comfort, vulnerability
* Doves: peace, devotion, the spirit, sacrifice, messenger, purification
* Vines: the eternal, infinity
The original is for sale. It is in a 11 x 14 gold frame, behind UV glass. If interested, contact me.
January 28th, 2017