The Lady Vanity Takes a Break From Mirroring to Dream of an Unusual Garden

by Lise Winne
Buy the Original Painting
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11.000 x 14.000 inches
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The Lady Vanity Takes a Break From Mirroring to Dream of an Unusual Garden
Lise Winne
Painting - Painting
Featured is a vain Renaissance woman with a white Sapientes Pacis bird (translation from latin: wise peace bird) in the millefleurs. The fact that she is small, and that the songbirds in the plants are large is intentional and is an allegory of vanity, in the Renaissance tradition.
Also in the Renaissance tradition, this piece has a lot of symbolism, as follows:
* Woman dressed in Renaissance attire with arms folded (The Lady Vanity):
- crossed arms: an attempt to be defensive, not open to new ideas and perspectives, a barrier between herself and what she does not want to hear or like
- the clothes represent status, nobility, royalty, wealth, in an age of progression and new ideas and new knowledge
- the cone hat (hennin) with sheer white veil: royalty (originally modeled after the hats of Mongol warrior queens), a hat designed to differentiate women from men (traditionally), sometimes given to indulgences
- vanity: doing something out of pride but inconsequential (Biblical meaning), exclusively earthly pleasures without repentance and morality
- unsoiled white dress: obsession with perfection and an image of innocence and purity
- a break from mirroring: a break from the usual judgement, can mean a realization of falling from grace
* Sapientes Pacis bird with legs crossed: impatiently waiting for the lady to come to a conclusion that wisdom and peace are worth hearing, spiritual messenger, impatience.
* two large songbirds: a challenge to understand other perspectives and other types of freedom, spiritual messengers imparting songs, protectors of hope and ancestral knowledge. In this context, since they are so big, the necessity to move beyond the stubborn rituals of vanity
* millefleurs: plenty, freedom from poverty and hunger, luxury
* nearly white butterfly with tinges of yellow and purple: soul of a departed one (with a message to change and transform, and the offering of guidance and hope)
* pink rose-like flowers: gentleness, appreciation
* yellow flower: cheerfulness and hope
* large white flowers: worthiness and forgiveness
The original is for sale at the time of this writing. It is an 11 x 14 acrylic painting on panel with a gold frame. Please contact me if interested.
* Magical Art
* Arts Fantastic World
* Painting the Old Way In Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor
* Fantasy Art
* Bedroom Art Gallery (includes being showcased as well as featured)
* Exclusively Drawings and Paintings
January 13th, 2019
Comments (6)

Hartmut Jager
🌼 You create Most Beautiful Art Lise ! - I see Genevieve resting - from her frolicking with Lancelot ! - 😊 -

Lyric Lucas
CONGRATULATIONS Lise, I have chosen this excellent special image to be "SHOWCASED" at the top of the Home Page in the "Bedroom Art Gallery" group. L/F 1/22/19 - 2/4/19