Scapegoat Healing

by Lise Winne
Scapegoat Healing
Lise Winne
Painting - Painting, Ink, Drawing
note: watermark is on this image (your products will not contain a watermark).
The scapegoat is the symbol of the person in a family, work place or social organization who is continually blamed and often experiences social isolation from the dominant group.
The tradition of the scapegoat had its roots in Jewish custom. A goat was chosen and weighted down with a pack full of items that were symbolically supposed to represent undesirable conditions in the family, tribe or community: famines, in-fighting, disease, lack of water, unexplained deaths and so on. The goat then was banished out to the desert with its heavy load, away from the community. It was presumed to have died, thereby relieving the community of its "bad luck."
As for human scapegoats, they are primarily found in alcoholic and narcissistic families, toxic work environments where bullying is either ignored or condoned, and in nations who pick on a minority or a different race for the problems within its country. In other words, scapegoating is still alive and well. The abuse that results from scapegoating can be verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, financial or in the way of constant threats and intimidation.
If an immediate fault cannot be found within the scapegoat, then the scapegoat typically experiences subjective blame like interpreting the scapegoat's feelings as negative or hostile (i.e. "you're always angry at everyone", "you're ungrateful", "you create drama", "you're always starting trouble", etc). Abusive environments go further and use interpretive feelings as an excuse to punish or violently provoke, in addition to blaming.
Scapegoating is a serious societal problem and causes severe damage to relationships, trust, the unity of the family (or workplace, or society), and to the psyche and well being of the one who is continually blamed.
A much longer explanation of what scapegoating is and how you can heal from it is on my blog: http://lisewinne.blogspot.com/2014/09/scapegoat-healing.html Note: this only covers family scapegoating.
This is meant to be healing art: the white scapegoat (signifying purity) that has been sent out to the desert wanders and finds an abundant lush garden instead. The group that burdened him with all of the blaming, shaming, rejection, insults and toxic emotional waste, has miraculously turned to white butterflies and is literally floating away, disencumbering the goat of his heavy load.
The white goat is also a symbol of purity and innocence, of good intention, despite what he has been burdened with.
A lot of my art is also influenced by Renaissance art and the millefleurs in this particular piece were influenced by unicorn tapestries, particularly "The Lady and the Unicorn".
The original design is dedicated to Robert W. Davis, LCSW, who spends tireless hours trying to counsel scapegoats and rehabilitate their perpetrators.
Exclusively Drawings and Paintings
Women Painters - Hand Paintings Only
Bedroom Art Gallery
Beauty in Art - No Photography
Textile Patterns Tapestry
1000 Views on One Image
September 9th, 2016
Comments (28)

Great Image Lise and good descriptions! Know the scapegoat story only too well from personal experience and through Jungian teachings ie reading and other. The butterflies are a lovely representation of healing brought about through transformative personal development work done by 'scapegoat' personalities who often represent healing and redemption for the whole family. Congratulations on your features! f/l/fb

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/tw

Debra and Dave Vanderlaan
A fun and lovely mood Lise! We added our Like. Celebrate life, Debra and Dave

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your beautiful artistic work is Featured in the "Bedroom Art Gallery" group 7/6/17

ARTography by Pamela Smale Williams
Lovely tapestry inspired background and optimistic story behind the symbolism Lise! Nice composition & detail with colorful palette! V/fav/Twt @BoomerPamela_TX to see twt :) Pamela

Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!!. Women Painters has featured your artwork. Great work. Love the colours and composition !! Will be shared on Women Painters on Facebook

Kimberlee Baxter
Amazing art with a healing message, Lise! Your description is thought provoking in reflecting on the cycle of abuse and recognizing the situation for what it is! I especially like how you try to take the viewer to a gentle and lovely place in their mind to facilitate positive thoughts and self healing! Love this! Fave! L/F/FB!