Night With Fire bird and Sacred Bush

by Lise Winne
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10.000 x 8.000 inches
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Night With Fire bird and Sacred Bush
Lise Winne
Painting - Painting
Depicted is a firebird in a landscape of flowers and trees with a sacred bush that glows. There are several kinds of trees, one that is dark and full of greenery, and another that is light in color with almost silvery leaves. Over the firebird's head is a moon.
The original is for sale at this time. It is a small painting at 8" x 10" on birch panel (gessoed for durability and longevity). It is framed in a mat silver frame or it can be sent unframed.
* Firebird: defeating hard times, beating all life challenges, arising from the ashes, rebirth from the past (the image can be used as a meditation when you want strength to get through hard times)
* sacred bush: a bush with unusual and sacred properties. If left unharmed, an omen of guidance, flourishing in darker times, of retaining inner light and integrity, of seeing the truth
* moon: Tarot meaning: intuition, dreams, the unconscious and unforeseen. General: the feminine, enlightenment
* trees: connection to our true identity, revolutionary wisdom
* silver trees: new beginnings, protection
* purple flowers: wealth, elegance, dignity
* red weed: formidable power and aggressive conquest
* delicate vines: continuity, traditions in ones life (delicate ones: be sure not to lose sight of this important aspect of life)
* Arts Fantastic Worlds
* Myth, Magic and Spirituality
* Images That Excite You
* Story Art and Allegorical Art
* Exclusively Drawings and Paintings
* Spiritual Animal Paintings
March 28th, 2018
Comments (6)

Robert Roth
Lise, I needed to look at something today that would help me feel a little peace inside and beauty, and hope. I came across this painting, There is something transcendental and divine about this painting and I loved it. Something about the colors, the mood, the magic. Somehow it helped me remember that in spite of the craziness of our human society, the world is far older and beyond our craziness. Thank you. It hit the spot! Beautiful painting.

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"