Night Butterfly

by Lise Winne
Buy the Original Painting
Not Specified
12.000 x 12.000 inches
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Night Butterfly
Lise Winne
Painting - Painting
This piece depicts a white butterfly with some hints of light blue in the wings. It is surrounded by plants and flowers of all varieties. This piece is part of a series of millefleurs paintings I have been working on. Millefleurs were often used during the Renaissance for rich tapestries, most often with a dark green or red background. This one is in dark blue navy to make the white butterfly and white flowers really stand out. It also goes with my night series of paintings.
Besides the white flowers, there are yellow flowers resembling dandelions or buttercups, some purple ones too resembling dewdrops, leaves of all varieties including weed varieties, swirls and magic orbs, perhaps fairy orbs or seeds, you decide.
The original is for sale. It is a 12" x 12" acrylic painting on panel. At the time of this writing it is framed in a wide plein air gold frame for a gallery show, but I can send without a frame if you prefer (if it is not tied up in a gallery). Contact me for more information.
* white butterfly: spiritual growth and wisdom, a departed loved one is watching over you, luck, can mean the beginning of a new journey
* yellow flowers: sun, courage, childlike disposition or experiences
* purple flowers: refinement, grace
* swirls: the constant change of life
* orbs: energy from the spirit realm (strength, protection, guidance)
* Beauty in Art - No Photography
* Painting the Old Way in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor
* Story Art and Allegorical Art
* Myth, Magic and Spirituality
* Groovy Butterflies
* Mystic and Art
* Bedroom Art Gallery
* Exclusively Drawings and Paintings
* Textile Tapestry Patterns
October 18th, 2018
Comments (9)

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your beautiful artistic work is Featured in the "Bedroom Art Gallery" group 10/28/18 l/f

Anita Faye
Lise, happy to feature your beautiful work on Groovy Butterflies 10/24/2018! https://fineartamerica.com/groups/groovy-butterflies.html

Katherine Nutt
This image truly embodies the spirit of the group Myth Magic and Spirituality that I want to convey! Congrats on your feature in the group! There is a thank you thread on the discussions tab if you would like to archive it there :)