Millefleurs Triptych with Unicorn, Cranes, Rabbits and Dove

by Lise Winne
Millefleurs Triptych with Unicorn, Cranes, Rabbits and Dove
Lise Winne
Drawing - Multi-media
Please note: the watermark in the lower right hand side does not appear on any actual products.
also please note: limited edition!
The limited edition is 1,020. Even though prints from this shop only have my digital signature, I will still be honoring the limited edition. If you want a certificate of authenticity, and the number in the edition, please message me and include your address. I will send this to you free of charge. Thanks.
I was inspired by the Unicorn Tapestries when I made this piece. The detail of the millefleurs (the many flowers) is contrasted with more simple white animals (birds and mammals).
The symbolism for each animal follows:
The crane is a symbol for longevity, a youthful appearance, a happy and successful marriage as well as an omen of protection.
The unicorn is a symbol for purity, the mystical and divine, the spiritual, healing sorrows of the heart, healing toxicities in the body and banishing poisons in ones life whether they be emotional, spiritual or physical.
Rabbits are a symbol of femininity, abundance and luck. They are also a symbol of fear (of tragedy and disaster).
The dove is a symbol of peace, hope and messages from the spirit. They sometimes refer to pacifism and passive resistance too.
Swirls in many cultures mean constant change.
I made this piece in 2014.
Many products here are customizable. For more on how to customize, see this blog post: http://lisewinne.blogspot.com/2016/09/millefleurs-triptych-with-unicorn-in.html
This listing has greeting cards for sale. There are a bunch of home decor products as well. Check them out.
September 5th, 2016
Comments (8)

VIVA Anderson
This is a stunning major work, so inspired,unique....compliments,f.v...and thank you for your lovely comment in forum....VIVA

Genevieve Esson
Love your style on the mille fleurs tapestries! Beautiful! v/f
Lise Winne replied:
Thank you, Genevieve. The same goes for your paintings of the unicorn tapestries.