Flower Fairies in a Flower Mobile

by Lise Winne
Flower Fairies in a Flower Mobile
Lise Winne
Digital Art - Altered Photography
Two little girl fairies with blonde hair are in a flower mobile. In the background is a rabbit chewing on something good to eat, completely unperturbed by the fairies. There are also some fairy orbs and additional flowers in the background. The top of the fairy mobile is a big orange butterfly.
This listing includes tee shirts, greeting cards, mugs, pillows and bed covers in this design.
Might look great in a child's room, nursery, playroom or patio.
* fairies: a legendary or supernatural nature spirit from Europe. Fairies have wings in many varieties, and are typically found with light orbs. According to Wikipedia: "The word 'fairy' was used to represent an illusion, or enchantment; the land of the Faes; collectively the inhabitants thereof; or an individual such as a fairy knight." Magic, enchantment, a deep connection with the natural world and the spiritual world.
* rabbit: fertility, the feminine, abundance, luck, comfort, vulnerability
* purple flowers: dignity, success, spirit
* pink flowers: happiness, love
* orange flowers: heartfelt sincerity
* white flowers: modesty, innocence, spiritual
* yellow flowers: joy, light-heartedness, happiness
* butterfly: transformation, change, the spirit
* Creative Digital Art
* Surreal Perspectives
* Administrators Art Alliance
* Fantasy Art for Home and Office
* Kids
April 6th, 2017
Comments (8)

Congrats Lisa on your feature on the "Administrators Art Alliance" group homepage with this very sweet artwork! f/l

CJ Anderson
Well, we know what happened and 12 days ago is history, Lise! I'll congratulate you once again on your delightful photograph being exhibited on the homepage of ADMINISTRATORS ART ALLIANCE. Already fav'd, added another like, tweet, and FB!

CJ Anderson
Congratulations, Lise! Your amazing digital art photograph was chosen to be exhibited on the homepage of ADMINISTRATORS ART ALLIANCE. Fav'd, liked, tweeted, and FB!

Daniel Arrhakis
Congratulations dear friend !! Your wonderful Art was featured in our Creative Digital Art Community Group ! : )