Celtic Knot with Bunny

by Lise Winne
Celtic Knot with Bunny
Lise Winne
Painting - Painting
This is actually from a painting that I put on a piece of furniture (7.5" x 7.5"), which is something that I love to do to give pieces of furniture some character.
Then I printed these on cards for awhile and put them out at Easter (which they sold -- to a specific kind of audience, of course).
So, here I am years later, thinking they might be great for prints and home decor -- to a specific kind of audience, of course.
Featured is a Celtic knot in a muslin color with a bunny leaping into a bush with a small trail of stars behind him. The sky is a Cerulean blue and it is echoed in the grass.
Rabbit: luck, fertility, abundance, creativity, vulnerability
Celtic knot: continuation, infinity, timelessness, endurance, (including best wishes for all of those things, especially if given as gifts)
Birch tree: growth, stability, adaptability
September 12th, 2016