Butterfly in the Millefleurs

by Lise Winne
Buy the Original Painting
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5.000 x 7.000 inches
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Butterfly in the Millefleurs
Lise Winne
Painting - Drawing, Painting
This piece is inspired by the Renaissance tapestries (such as "The Hunt of the Unicorn" and "The Lady of the Unicorn") and also by William Morris, the multi-media artist from the 1800s. This piece pares it all down to focus on the rich tapestry-like millefleurs background of one lone simple purple and white butterfly.
Featured are puffy pink flowers, violet daisies, several different kinds of thorns, sweet little white and red flowers, some blue flowers too, vines of various varieties, little specks of white, and quite a few weeds too.
Looks great on all of the various products: prints, greeting cards, notebooks, pillows, duvets, blankets, totes, mugs and more.
At present, this piece is for sale. It is a 5 x 7 on watercolor paper, and fits into an 8x10 mat with a 5 x 7 opening. Note: I will probably have this in a gallery at some point in a silver frame, and smaller pieces like this sometimes sell quickly, but you can contact me either way to get the latest status of the piece.
* purple and white butterfly: transformation, keeping the faith, healing, release of one's burdens, purity, pure intent, hope
* millefluers: abundance, growth, fertility, creativity, freedom from hunger, heightened respect for nature
* Myth, Magic and Spirituality
* Groovy Butterflies
* Out of the Ordinary
* Textile Pattern Art
* Bedroom Art Gallery
* Exclusively Drawings and Paintings
September 20th, 2018
Comments (2)

Katherine Nutt
This image truly embodies the spirit of the group Myth Magic and Spirituality that I want to convey! Congrats on your feature in the group! There is a thank you thread on the discussions tab if you would like to archive it there :)