Bird Generating Stars

by Lise Winne
Bird Generating Stars
Lise Winne
Mixed Media - Drawing, Digital Art
This piece is part of my exotic bird series featuring all kinds of bird species you've never seen or heard of before. This exotic bird has a mission: to generate as many stars as possible so that the heavens will have more stars than the earth has grains of sands. I think he is succeeding.
He is on the move in the swirling heavens around him. His body echoes the swirls of his environment.
He also appears to be eating a star. Perhaps old stars should be taken out to generate new ones before these stars start to make trouble and turn into red giants.
I assure you, this bird is no black hole. In fact he's just the opposite, bringing light and life to the universe.
This piece might be good in a child's room. The exotic bird series has been popular on pillows for a child's room too. You can mix and match. Check out the entire collection to the Exotic Bird Series:
* stars: ideas, inspiration, intuition, dreams, imagination
* exotic bird: talking freely, thinking freely, being yourself, expressing yourself freely. With this particular exotic bird, you may feel the urge to generate ideas and inspiration for the highest good and spiritual growth.
November 5th, 2018
Comments (5)

Robert Roth
Even more beautiful and full of dreams and thoughts than your previous one. I love these colors which always seem to be just made for reach other. Thank you for this piece.

Anita Faye
Lise, happy to feature your beautiful work on Poetic Poultry! https://fineartamerica.com/groups/poetic-poultry-.html

Aurelio Zucco
Wow, Lise, this is so beautiful...what a fascinating and inventive style you have...awesome work! L/F
Lise Winne replied:
Thank you, Aurelio. This one is kind of like the last one, but with a different message.