Bacchanalian Freak Show with Hieronymus Bosch Treatment

by Lise Winne
Bacchanalian Freak Show with Hieronymus Bosch Treatment
Lise Winne
Digital Art - Photography With Digital Enhancements
Believe it or not, this is a photo with just a touch of digital manipulation done to it. It was the weirdest photograph I had ever taken, and it was taken at night near a bonfire. The original, non-altered version is view-able on my blog here so you can get a sense of how much altering I did (it is towards the bottom of the post): http://lisewinne.blogspot.com/2015/06/beltane-2015-and-how-it-ended-up.html
The interesting thing to me are the two ghost-like faces (or glowing masks). One is in the center with slits for eyes and a down-turned mouth and the other is on the far right in profile view. The other thing I noticed was the two curls for legs on the chair. Now why did that happen?
To me the photo seemed to depict something similar to the dark world of Bosch (the depiction of Hell in "The Garden of Earthly Delights"), but it was also a Bacchanalian statement too since all of the people who were in the photo were drinking beer or wine at the time (and were also loud and boisterous).
I was so intrigued by this kind of photography that I wanted to try another shot at it the next year, but alas the festival shut down. Even so, I'm not sure I would have been able to find anything quite this good and bizarre.
* Bosch: purgatory or Hell (in this case)
* Bacchus: Roman God of wine, chaos, unexpected, unconventional, unpredictable, revelry, gluttony, can be dangerous or insane. Associated with satyrs, centaurs, and sileni.
* Ghosts: beings and spirits from another dimension
Featured in:
* Supernatural Paranormal Investigation Photography Group
July 4th, 2017
Comments (4)

Constance Lowery
very interesting freak show! I see a face on the bottom of the fence piece? wooden post?. lots of other faces too. this sure is a weird picture! L/F/Fb

Uther Pendraggin
Very cool, I like that those guys showed up for the party. And/or visa versa!I like the one looking innocent in the top right too.